About My Work

Emotions. Our lives are filled with emotion. Joy, grief, love, disappointment, anger, and more.

A sunny day in the midst of winter can bring joy to our life, a newborn baby’s smile can melt our heart. Deep loss can overcome us with grief and sorrow. It’s all a part of life.

My works are emotionally inspired, I delve into the deep, sometimes moody depths of life. As someone who has experienced and lived with multiple physical, even incurable illnesses, my work is my catharsis. I paint my emotions, and the resulting works are emotional and thought provoking. I leave my works loose enough for the viewer to assign their own personal associations and meanings to them. I aim to bring the emotions that my viewers feel, and put them on canvas. I feel strongly about raising awareness about the reality of living with these illnesses and hope my art provides comfort and a visual voice to those who live with similar conditions to myself. My artwork shows that the deep emotion which is the human experience, both negative and positive, is valid and real, and that there is always beauty in life, even in our darkest moments. 

About The Artist

Giusiana is an internationally collected, Seattle area based, multi-media artist whose work is largely inspired by her experiences living life with an incurable illness. Since early childhood she has struggled with multiple rare diseases and chronic illnesses. In 2017, her freshman year of highschool, she was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, In the following years she received the diagnoses of rare genetic neuromuscular and tissue disorders along with multiple comorbid conditions, affecting her heart, muscles, immune and nervous systems and more. All are incurable and lifelong conditions.

Giusiana is a member of over 8 different advocacy organizations, including the NW Rare Disease Coalition, the Periodic Paralysis Association and the Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Association, and is passionate about raising awareness and helping people suffering from these conditions fine the help they so desperately need.

She contributed as an illustrator to Zoë Jorna-Jackson’s book, “Graceful Strength: Living Resiliently With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome”, And currently has several more projects underway.

She is a board member of the Veterans Art Council for the local VFW post, and works closely with them for community events and gallery shows.

Giusiana was a champion in Art Battle International, a speed painting tournament, advancing from locals to regionals in early 2024 for the chance to compete at nationals. She has also painted live for a variety of events, including twice for the Museum of Flight’s annual Seafair weekend outdoor festival-by-the-flight line, with the closest seats in Seattle to the thunder of the U.S. Navy Blue Angels’ takeoffs and landings. 

Since becoming disabled and becoming unable to continue her dream job, Giusiana has sought to use her gift for art for emotional healing for herself and to inspire others with both the beauties and sorrows life has to offer.

"Art is a therapy," she says; "it's one of the only ways I can show people what it's like"

Her works are a vivid reflection of her intense emotions; she expertly captures the chaos, fear, and emotion that chronic illness can bring. Her paintings encourage contemplation of reality and the deep emotion that is the human experience, and serve to remind us of the power of our own emotions. Her passion for the use of colors to convey deep meanings and her unique forms seem to give hope that darkness and pain is very real, but that there are brighter days in the midst of the storm. Giusiana's work is not only captivating, but intensely emotional and inspiring.